What is Home Staging?

 Home staging is a simple and efficient way of ensuring you sell your property quickly and for the asking price, eliminating the need to buy and store bulky items of furniture you won’t need upon the sale being agreed. Using carefully selected furniture and accessories, tailored to your property’s size, age and location, we create a look that stands out and appeals to the highest number of potential buyers.

Home staging helps the viewers to envision themselves living in the property and embrace a certain lifestyle, bringing life to empty rooms and bringing you closer to a sale.

 What Are the Benefits?


  • You will make more money and your property will sell faster: staged homes spend, on average, half the time on the market than non-staged homes.

  • You will make your money back: average staging investment is between 1 and 3% of the home’s asking price, which generates a ROI of 8 to 10%. Generally, staged homes sell over 8% above asking price.

  • Your online photos will stand out: 90% of the buyers search online first. They spend 2 seconds on an ad without a photo, and 20 seconds on one with a good photo.

  • Guaranteed offers: 77% of buyers’ agents said staging made it easier for buyers to visualize the property as a future home.

 How we work?

 Step 1

We will provide you with a no obligation free quote based on our minimum 12 week rental period working off your floor plans.

Step 2
A member of the Urban Poetic Design team will then attend your property to take accurate measurements of the space and asses the access to ensure we can fine tune everything prior to install day.

Step 3
We will then create a bespoke furniture design scheme that compliments your property and allocate the furniture from our warehouse to your project.

Step 4
Our team will then take care of the furniture installation and styling which usually takes between 1-2 days depending on the property size. Then Voila! your property is market ready.